Become a Member
Stewardship Program St. Nektarios Church is a parish supported fully by stewardship, requiring no minimum pledge in order to be a member. Our annual Stewardship Pledge Drive occurs in the spring of the current calendar year—parishioners are usually contacted for participation at that time, although new members and current members may complete a Stewardship Pledge Card at any time.
Become a Member of St. Nektarios Parish For more information about becoming a member, or to have a Welcome Packet mailed to you, please call the church office at (704) 708-4669. Our Welcome Packet includes a Membership Registration form and a Time and Talent Survey, which should be completed and returned to the church office. Stewardship Pledge Cards can also be obtained at the office. A member in “good standing” is one who:
Note: To be able to vote at a General Assembly or in Parish Elections, or to run for Parish Council, a member in good standing must also have been active in the liturgical life of the Church for at least six months.