St. Nektarios
Greek Orthodox Church
/ Ministries / Life & Family
Life and Family

Life & Family Ministry

This department’s mission is to foster relationships among our parishioners;
to support and encourage them in their Christian journey, tend to their needs
during extraordinary life events; and to offer resources for developing their physical
and emotional health.

Strengthening Each Other through their Christian Journey

  1. Premarital Preparation — Host Preparing for the Journey of Marriage. This a required one-day workshop offered by the Metropolis of Atlanta for couples getting married in the Orthodox church. St. Nektarios is one of the regional sites that host the workshops. Vist the church calander for session dates andadditional information.
  2. Newly Married Couples Ministry Life & Family Ministry in conjunction with the Metropolis of Atlanta is introducing a program for newly married couples (married 10years or less), which will focus on building fellowship and promoting intriguing discussions among couples within our community.
  3. Marriage Counseling & Relationship Support — Offers information and support for newlyweds, for marriage enrichment, for those facing separation and/or divorce, and to respond to the unique joys and challenges of families where both spouses are not Orthodox or one is a new Orthodox.
  4. Building Families -- This ministry has been put into place to arm families with tools and provisions to lift each other in their Christian walk and tackle the struggles parents face in today’s society. We have had sessions on Parenting Teens. Tools were provided to help parents and their teens “survive” the Teen years.

Serving Each Other’s Needs

  1. Caring for the Care Giver Support — A gathering where care givers feel safe to share problems, solutions and other information, with each other, in order to offer support. This gathering will foster caring for each other, belonging, oneness, and camaraderie. We will bare each others burdens and share each others joys.
  2. Visiting Partners — A dedicated group of lay volunteers regularly visit and keep in touch with those who are not able to make it to church due to short term or long term health issues.
  3. Grief Support — Offers resources and support to families suffering a severe loss—a death in the family, career or job loss, divorce, and through the Zoe (Life) ministry, neonatal loss.
  4. FISH Food Ministry Fellowship In Serving Hands — Its goal is to provide nutritional comfort to St. Nektarios parish households who are in a temporary need of assistance. Volunteers bake or cook home prepared meals that are frozen, stored at church, and available for use by members of the community.
  5. Helping Hands Ministry — This is a dedicated group that will do minor repairs and yard work for the elderly and infirmed of St. Nektarios.
  6. Career Ministry — This team creates an opportunity to connect employers with employees within our parish.  If you are looking for a position, upload your resume to ________________.  For your privacy, ONLY possible employers will be allowed to view the resume site.  If you are involved in the hiring process, think of our parishioners first. We will be happy to place a job description in the missal and News Letter. Just send your description to the Career Ministry team leader.
  7. Life Balance — Life Balance will have several different components of ministry that will deal with not only taking care of our physical body but our spiritual well being. Presentations in the past include Navigating through Life Changes, Managing Stress over the holidays, health fairs, and providing resources as needs are identified.
  8. Military Ministry — We honor our military service members and veterans during the holiday and throughout the year, to thank them for their selfless service and all its people.This is done through different honorary events, giving respect they so deserve to the both the fallen and the living.  We are so extremely blessed and fortunate to live free, and it is a privilege to take the time to reflect on the sacrifices these men and women gave, and continue to give, to protect that freedom.

“ Behold, I have commanded you. Be strong and courageous. Do not be cowardly or fearful, for the Lord your God is with you in all things, wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)  

**Ministry Partnership Events -- We partner with other ministries to create events that bring the whole community together as well as promote other ministry’s activities.

St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church — 5108 Kuykendall Road, Charlotte NC 28270
tel: 704-708-4669 | fax: 704-846-6094 | | @stnektarioscharlotte

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