St. Nektarios
Greek Orthodox Church
/ Community / Community Worship
Community Worship

Prayer Requests

May we pray for you and your family?

Contact the office at (704) 708-4669 or to add names to our prayer lists.

  • Proskomide — Submit names of living and deceased Orthodox Christians you wish to have commemorated during a particular Divine Liturgy.
  • Paraklesis (Supplication Service) — Names of the living who are in particular need of intercessory prayer. We offer a paraklesis weekly, outside of Lent.
  • Monthly Newsletter — Names of the living for those in service to our country and those encountering difficulties in their lives (submit names yearly in September)

Please submit first names only. For those in holy orders, please write [first name], [title] (John, presbyter; George, bishop; Maria, nun; etc.). No nicknames.

St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church — 5108 Kuykendall Road, Charlotte NC 28270
tel: 704-708-4669 | fax: 704-846-6094 | | @stnektarioscharlotte